Sunday, December 21, 2008

The stress is lifting..

Ah it's been a while. I've been rather stressed lately. I have been so broke I haven't been able to get things ready for Christmas. Well thankfully we got bonuses at work last week, so last night we went out shopping and got EVERYTHING done and wrapped! All I'm waiting on now are a few things to come in the mail this week.

I'm pretty pissed though. I bought something for a special someone on Amazon..paid extra for priority shipment..only to get on there today and see a message saying they can't guarantee it now. WTF? Why would you offer faster shipping for the holidays (sometimes at ridiculous prices) only to say AFTER you order that they can't guarantee it being there in time? Stupid assholes. I'll be glad when Christmas is over.

This year I'm just not really into the Christmas spirit. I've been so stressed out about money and gifts and my nose isn't up to par lately...I just want it to be over. I'm excited cuz I know a few things I'm getting (Nintendo DS!!! IN RED! =) ) and I love buying gifts for people. But this year has just sucked. This used to be my favorite time of the year. But it felt like Christmas just snuck up on me this year. I don't like that...

So yes, my nose. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for a check-up on my nose. I had a bad sinus infection after surgery (which I swear is still there) and he wanted to see if my nose was healed and what not. Well he looked in there, said it was looking better. He cleared out some nasty stuff and and said my nose was healed since surgery. Yay! He the also said that one of the risks of the surgery was to get a hole in my septum...not yay. He said about 1-3 percent of people experience this. Guess who is now included in that 1-3 percent. ME! FUCK! He said to come back and see him in February and if he doesn't like how it looks I will have to have surgery again. Goody. He also said if it starts to bleed and hurt, to come see him earlier. Which it has the last few days. It's not fun. So after the holidays I will have to call and go see him again. I really don't want surgery again. That was so not fun. But if it will help everything, I'll do it.

So the last few fays, Mandar and I have been discussing the Bible and religion and what not. It's been interesting and I've decided I want to know more about it. I've never been religious, never cared about it really. My parents raised me without religion because they didn't want to force it on me. They wanted it to be my choice. I don't consider myself an Atheist. I believe there may be a God out there, a very unfair one. But I've always found it easier to believe we evolved then created by one man. I don't have a problem with what people believe, just how they act on it. I hate when they push their views on me. I hate how hypocritical most of them are. I hate how a lot of them have never even read the bible. But my boyfriend and his family and religious, so he gave me one of his Bibles to read. I started to read it this weekend. I'm not very far yet. But it's already interesting. We'll see.

Well 4 days tils Christmas. 3 days of work this week. Let's hope it goes fast!!


Michael said...

Christmas has not been that stressful for me, because we are having a light Christmas. I think in total, we may have spent $150 to $200.

The Maze Monster said...

It really shouldn't matter at all what's "easier" to believe. It's far better to believe what makes sense based on the evidence.

The Bible is fascinating but don't forget that there are tons of other religions with similar and very different believes. Don't limit yourself to the idea that there are simply atheists and christians. There is actually a huge spectrum in the middle.

Remember that most people in the US are only Christians by the mere fact that they happen to have by chance been born in America. Very few people are Christians by choice.

Religious exploration is both eye opening and cathartic. Don't simply limit yourself to the bible simply because you happen by chance to be born in American and happen by chance to be dating a christian guy.

Michael said...

Oh, btw... I was looking at your site meter and I thought you would like to know some of the ways people have found your blog: Google Search for:

*Jumbo Tampon
*Deviated Septum Crusty Boogers
*Pre Cut Frozen Pizza
*How to Play Morff Cardgame
*Meaning "I'm a Maverick"

Asylum Seeker said...

"I believe there may be a God out there, a very unfair one."

May I then introduce you to Cthulhu? He doesn't pretend to be good like all those other gods. He just tells like it is. Horrible.

" Don't limit yourself to the idea that there are simply atheists and christians."

Yes. There an incredible number of religious affiliations as well as religion-based philosophical positions (atheism being the philosophical position taken by many of those who have no ideological religious affiliation of any form) out there. Find the ones that you like, and then have the courtesy to continue looking anyway, because you should at least have an inkling of what other people believe, and a passing glance seems to be more than most people seem to muster (as Maze Monster also mentions).

Don't let the social climate of the country you're living in stifle your perspective on the matter. Try to overcome it as much as possible, and see the significance of non-Christian faiths as well when exploring. There is way too much obsession over the Bible, and it has been lent undue credence by atheists and Christians alike. It is good to know the basics of what it contains, but too many collective hours have been wasted pouring over that tome, and not the smallest fraction of time spent trying to see any merit in other religious perspectives. It is a shame, quite frankly.