Friday, November 28, 2008

This is so awesome...

So i just got the internet and stuff on my cell phone...and im blogging right now via cellular device. Oh yes. it is awesome. SO now maybe I can actually blog more often...haha. My boyfriend got a new phone today..since his was a piece. He got a blackberry Pearl. Not sure why he even needs a blackberry..but its pretty sweet looking. SO blogging and hes checking his myspace. its crazy the things cellphones can do these days..i remember my first one. It was when cameras just came out on cell phones and i thought i was the shit..haha

Well i dont have much to say. Just wanted to see if I could actually do this on my phone. SO until next time...farewell!


Michael said...

Awesome! You must blog more often now! anyway, you've also posted this entry twice, i just thought I would let you know.

The Maze Monster said...
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The Maze Monster said...

Oh god, another phone! I swear he goes through phones faster than he goes through socks.

As for internet. That's neat. I probably wouldn't use it much considering that i'm surrounded by internet everywhere I go so I wouldn't need it on my phone. How much is the internet per month?