Monday, August 25, 2008

Let's hang out and blog...

So I guess I did have time to blog again! Mandar and Jai are here..and we're sitting in my living room, with our laptops, blogging. That's what we do. It's no fun blogging by yourself, if ya know what I mean.

So as we're sitting here, Jai happened to look out the front window to see a fat girl with huge pink shoes who was like, sticking her hand up her boyfriends ass. I missed it, and I'm quite sad about it, but I still felt I should blog about it and share it with the world. Haha or just the 2 people who read this...whom are in the room with me right now and saw it also...

So I learned a new word, just now. Widget. heh.

During the day I always think of this I could blog about. And I even say that..."Hey! I could blog about that!" And I've found that, I never really blog about it. The only thing I do blog about turns out to be bitching about work and retards who "work" there.

Well I believe that is all I have for you now. Not a whole lot I know, but I live a boring life. Now I'm gonna go enjoy a nice game of PHASE 10!!!!


The Maze Monster said...

Widget.... heh! If you know what I mean.

Michael said...

I missed the pink shoes... I saw the girl and the guy, but I guess my attention was not focused on the pink shoes...