Sunday, August 31, 2008

What a wonderful Sunday morning...

Good morning blog world. It's always a beautiful sunday when you don't have to work the next day...

Well to update on my night last night, I stayed home and watched SuperBad with my parents. Haha pretty funny movie. Stupid, but entertaining. Then I read for a while in bed then crashed around 1:30.

My sister got a puppy last night. Omg she's so cute. A Dachsund/Chihuahua mixed. Her name is Bella. Adorable.

I'm still reading Breaking Dawn. I'm almost halfway through it. It's so good. I just wish I had more time to read. As I'm blogging now..could be reading..haha. Oh well. I had to blog today so I didn't forget...again.

I havne't been keeping up with my videos and stuff of the day. Oh well. Not important. I can just add a video or something whenever I find it necessary.

I have been trying to talk my parents into letting my boyfriend and I get a puppy. I even promised to keep our room clean. And she didn't go for it! She complains ALL the time about our room being a mess, and she didn't go for it. I said we would keep the puppy in our room. It would be someting small. We both want a Chihuahua. Or something that will just stay the same size as it was as a pup, or a little bigger. I don't want something big anyways. But I will keep

I don't really have anything else to update on. Work was crap this week. Like always. Stupid bitch never does anything. And the bosses see it! All the time! But because like half the shop gets their weed from her piece of shit boyfriend, they let it slide. Just like everyone else who is either a stoner or a drunk get away with everthing. A few weeks ago, they had to send a guy home cuz he was so drunk. And they did nothing about it. If that was me! I would have been fired on the spot. But it's ok, cuz I'm sure he's drinking buddy's with the bosses. There are people who, during lunch, drive up to the end of the drive and get high. How pathetic can you be that you can't wait until you get home to high. Very.

Enough about work. I'm there too much anyways. Don't want to pollute my blog too much with the bullshit that goes on there.

We have tomorrow off, thank god. I love labor day. I never appreciated it during school. But now that I work and I believe I deserve a day's nice. Haha. Don't really have any plans for the rest of the weekend. Trying to get a hold of Jai and Mandar to see what they're doing today. Haven't heard back. Mandar mentioned going to the bead store in Mt. Vernon. Not sure if it's even open today. But it sounds like fun. I need a bracelet.

Wow this blog is actually rather long. Normally I don't write too much. But I think that's all for now. Going to get back to my book and continue to bug Jai about today. Enjoy the rest of your sunday!


The Maze Monster said...

It's like a competition thing. If only you could sell the same weed at a better price...

Michael said...

Oh yes, the crap that goes on at work will never end, that is unless our management is replaced.

The Bead store is not open on Sundays unfortunately, it sucks! But there is always the Mt.Vernon wal-mart bead section, its pretty good.

I've updated my blog, finally. I've been slacking due to getting home late.