Sunday, August 24, 2008


Blah! I got sunburnt today. But it was totally worth it, cuz I got to ride a jet ski! Oh gosh it's such a rush! I'm used to being sunburnt so I'll live..

The crew kicked ass last night. Won 3-0. Whoot. It was a pretty good game. We left early cuz they were kicking ass. We saw these lesbians there...oh gosh. Turns out one of them is a girl my dad knows who he kinda sorta works with...and she tells everyone she's married and her and her husband ride their motorcycles all the time. Hmm...apparently her husband has a vagina.

The closing ceremonies are in a few. Sad. I love the olympics. I'm so pumped for the winter ones in 2010. I think they're in Canada, eh.

I so don't want to go to work tomorrow. Same ol shit there. Me bored out of my mind and some stupid C-U-Next-Tuesday not doing ANYTHING when she actually has things to do. I just wanna smack her. And I would if I didn't fear catching her herpes..or stupid.

I watched an entertaining movie last night. "Wedding Daze" with Jason Biggs and Isla Fisher. I can't stand him, but love her. And the movie was pretty funny.

I'm watching tv and there's this stupid arby's commerical where that douche only wants 5 curly fries and does that whistle sound. Ugh.

Speaking of commercials, I wanted to put this on here. It's the cutest commercial ever and I never see it on TV anymore. Watch it. It's great.

But that is all for now. I'm gonna lay down. I'm pooped. Enjoy the last bit of the weekend!


The Maze Monster said...

Five curly fries please!

Michael said...

ahh yes, the fear of catching the nasty from Crysco is an ever looming fear for us... however, the others there seem to know catching it is inevitable so they all just fuck her and get it over with...

Oh yes, and i hate that arbys ad also... grrrrr.