Friday, August 22, 2008

Ahoy there. I have returned to share with you all the joyous happenings of my day...heh.

Well I left work early today, because as I mentioned earlier, absolutly NOTHING to do! But the 4 hours i was there, totally sucked. It was hot, stupid bitches not doing anything, assholes giving attitude..ugh! So frustrating!

Enough about work. I went and saw Dark Knight again last night. Gosh it's even better the 2nd time. Heath Ledger was just incredible as the Joker. I'm not sure anyone has ever done such a good job as him. Plus, Christian Bale wasn't horrible to look at =P.

I'm not sure what else to say right now. I'm watching re-runs of America's Next Top Model. I'm obsessed. But I will leave you with the music video of the week. This is "Labyrinth" by Oomph! Enjoy!

1 comment:

Michael said...

so glad that we left early!

Oh and the video of the week was awesome! I love Oomph! The video was cool cause its like a new take on the Alice in Wonderland story.

He looked good in this video... he's hot in a creepy way. not fond of him at the end though