Monday, September 8, 2008

Just press the damn button!!

Good day all. I didn't have any time at all this weekend to I will do so now!

Let's see. Friday I left work at 4. It's always nice to leave craptown before normal time. I came home, got cleaned up then had Jai and Mandar over. We finally wii'd! It was fun. Mandar had acid and fell asleep on the couch. Haha it was funny tho. Jai and I stayed up for a while and played Mario and Sonic at the Olympics. I forgot how fun, and hard, that game is. But yes, they went home and I went to bed.

Saturday I didn't do much during the day. We had a chicken dinner thing at my Nana's church, then Pookie and I went to see his family. They were in town. I just absolutly love them. They are the sweetest people I have ever met. Plus they have a toy Pommeranian dog "Mimi". Omg..cutest thing ever. So we hung out with them for a bit, then headed back home.

Sunday came rather quickly. My mom got tickets to her first Cubs game for her birthday. They were playing the Reds. So I got Pookie and I tickets too so we could ride down with them, since he's a Reds fan. We sat in the bleachers, and my parents sat behind the Cubs dugout. It was a great time. Hot. Very hot. I got fried. But what else is new? Haha.

So I got a phone call when I was home Friday from work...I had a package that needed to go. All they had to do was print the paperwork and take it to UPS. Of course..they were confused why there was a package on my cart with no paperwork! Even though I TOLD them before I left that it was there..and I didn't print the paperwork yet in case another order came across. So I get this stupid voicemail from these idiots who can't remember ANYTHING. I thought everything was taken care of. Nope. I get to work and what do I see? That same package STILL sitting on the cart. I questioned it and they said "Oh well we already turned the computer off and just didn't turn it back off to do the it will just have to go today." ALL YOU DO IS PRESS THE BUTTON AND IT TURNS ON!! It's like magic! They should know that seeing as how they're always on their computer alllll day. Getting zero work done. But I guess this was work they couldn't do it.

Enough bitching, for now. I'm gonna go get started on my work. Hopefully today goes fast. Possibly more to write later.


Michael said...

I still cannot believe that they didn't send that package.

When you say i had acid, one might think i poped an acid pill and passed out on the couch.

Note to world: I have acid reflux, i am not a user. That is allza

The Maze Monster said...

Enough bitching? There is never enough bitching!