So it's been a long time since I've posted anything. Nothing has been going on really. But I had to vent for a mintue. I'm just going to throw it out there that I hate going to the verizon stores...
I was eligible to a phone upgrade back in May. I had a Voyager, and it was junk. I was having problems a few weeks before I could upgrade so I took it into the store and they said my phone was under warranty so they would order me a replacement. 2 days later, it arrived at work.
I put my battery in it, activated it and it worked just fine....for a bout 2 hours. The stupid thing wouldn't even turn on. It was fully charged and would not turn on. I took the battery out several times, tried plugging it into my charger just to make sure. Nothing. So I made me way back up to Verizon. I requested a guy I always deal with, he's super nice and doesn't screw with you. He's very profesional. They were packed, and of course, I did not get him. Instead I got some bitchy lady who accused me of talking on the phone outside in the rain because some "indicator" was missing from the back side of the battery. I told her I've had the phone for about 4 hours and I haven't even made a call with it yet. She told me they were out of those in stock and she would have to have one shipped. BUT, she can't order me another one until I have sent the old one back. She was going to have me be without a phone for a few days, until genius me told her to just activate my old one that actually turns on. Then I left.
I got home and got on the phone with tech support. The guy basically said that they don't even use the indicator anymore and it had nothign to do with why my phone wouldn't work. So the bitch at the store didn't no what she was talking about. So I was able to send my phone out, and they were sending me a replacement. Everything was fine and a few weeks later I upgraded to an ENV3.
I've had it for almost 2 months now, and I haven't had much problems with it. Until recently. It keeps shutting off by itself, and won't reboot by itself. Screen turns white. Just really crazy. So I went to the store last night to see about getting it replaced or something. I got there, signed in and waited for almost 20 minutes. The lady walks up, I tell her what's going on. And she says...
"OH well you need the latest software update. It takes about an hour to to and, oh.. :looks at phone:, we close in 45 mintues. So you'll need to come back."
I could have killed her. I get you close, but if someone has been waiting, would it really kill you to stay an extra 15 mintues? And everything I've read online about the update, people say it only took them 10-15 minutes. UGh I was so mad.
I hate going to the store, and I try not to for reasons like this. But a software update, you kinda have to go to the store for that. Damn..
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Was it really that funny?
So yesterday I went out with Jai and Mandar to Chipotle and to see Madea Goes to Jail....
They picked me up and we headed to Ontario to endulge in so burrito goodness. Or tacos in Mandar's case. I guess he was planning on getting a burrito, but freaked out when the guy asked him what he wanted. He doesn't like change..but atleast he voted for Obama...
Anyways...we ate our food and discussed Jai's book and such. He demonstrated someone in a wheelchair skipping. Doesn't sound so funny but if you could see it, you would pee yourself. We finished out food and walked next door to a new game store a friend of mine told me about. It was amazing. They had a huge selection of DS games. I got a new game, and they got 2 movies for practically nothing. Great store. Crap music.
We then walked around Bed Bath and Beyond. I love that store, but hate the prices! Jai was searching for a table cloth or something, and was pissed because they didn't have the color he wanted on the shelf, but it was on the display! PIssed! Mandar and I learned about new cups that don't require coasters. It was then close to movie time, so we decided to head to the theater.
We bought our tickets, while everyone stared at us. Got some refreshments and headed to our movie. Jai had to pee so Mandar and I had the job of finding seats. Jesus Christ was the place packed! This movie has been out for a while, and people were still going to see it. So at first we sat in the front row, then knew Jai would bitch, so we moved back a row. I was content and so was Mandar. But in strolls Jai with his pissy pants on and just HAS to move. There were seats behind the bar, and he politely asked a couple to move over one seat. The bitch gave attitude, but still moved so we sat in our 3rd seats.
The movie began and it was awesome. Until everyone in their brother decided to show up about half way though the movie. Then there was a part where everyone decided it was a crappy scene and just had to pee now. There were these kids behind us, and it was like they weighted 400 pounds. Their ass kept bumping my seat as they walked by, only to find they weer about 5 years old. ..There was also this old couple who walked around the entire theater, and yelled to each other to go to those seats. Just totally rude! started. The movie was hilarious, yes, but there is no need to be over dramatic about it. There was this scene, where it wasn't supposed to be funny at all. And this stupid guy toward the front started like screaming he was laughing so hard. The best part, was some kid who was with him leaned over and said "Shut up!". Thank you!
But all in all, the movie was fabulous. Helller...
They picked me up and we headed to Ontario to endulge in so burrito goodness. Or tacos in Mandar's case. I guess he was planning on getting a burrito, but freaked out when the guy asked him what he wanted. He doesn't like change..but atleast he voted for Obama...
Anyways...we ate our food and discussed Jai's book and such. He demonstrated someone in a wheelchair skipping. Doesn't sound so funny but if you could see it, you would pee yourself. We finished out food and walked next door to a new game store a friend of mine told me about. It was amazing. They had a huge selection of DS games. I got a new game, and they got 2 movies for practically nothing. Great store. Crap music.
We then walked around Bed Bath and Beyond. I love that store, but hate the prices! Jai was searching for a table cloth or something, and was pissed because they didn't have the color he wanted on the shelf, but it was on the display! PIssed! Mandar and I learned about new cups that don't require coasters. It was then close to movie time, so we decided to head to the theater.
We bought our tickets, while everyone stared at us. Got some refreshments and headed to our movie. Jai had to pee so Mandar and I had the job of finding seats. Jesus Christ was the place packed! This movie has been out for a while, and people were still going to see it. So at first we sat in the front row, then knew Jai would bitch, so we moved back a row. I was content and so was Mandar. But in strolls Jai with his pissy pants on and just HAS to move. There were seats behind the bar, and he politely asked a couple to move over one seat. The bitch gave attitude, but still moved so we sat in our 3rd seats.
The movie began and it was awesome. Until everyone in their brother decided to show up about half way though the movie. Then there was a part where everyone decided it was a crappy scene and just had to pee now. There were these kids behind us, and it was like they weighted 400 pounds. Their ass kept bumping my seat as they walked by, only to find they weer about 5 years old. ..There was also this old couple who walked around the entire theater, and yelled to each other to go to those seats. Just totally rude! started. The movie was hilarious, yes, but there is no need to be over dramatic about it. There was this scene, where it wasn't supposed to be funny at all. And this stupid guy toward the front started like screaming he was laughing so hard. The best part, was some kid who was with him leaned over and said "Shut up!". Thank you!
But all in all, the movie was fabulous. Helller...
Thursday, March 12, 2009
I think people just like to make me bitch about things...
So there are a lot of things that get on my nerves at work. One of those things I just happen to capture a picture of today. Now, it's in Sepia because I forgot to change it and I didn't want to get caught taking this picture, but I think it adds a little something to the picture. This is the Tiny Pants that I've bitched about time after time on this blog. This is my "supervisor" who does nothing all day but wash his hands, look out the window, and of course, look through my filing cabinet of open orders. This was taken at precisely 11:28 am....
He was there for a good 5 mintues prior....Wtf

Meaningless rant...
I know this is going to sound petty..but I had to bitch about it. Now where I work, they tend to spend money on meaningless things. Now what I don't get, is why they can spend a fortune getting new bathroom sink faucets what look and work the exact same as the old ones, and how they can spend about 10 bucks on a big bag of chocolates for Miss Manatee in the office, but I have to settle for this:

I know I know. There are people in Africa with poor penmanship who would kill to have some Integra Correction Fluid to fix their mistakes on paper, but come on....

I know I know. There are people in Africa with poor penmanship who would kill to have some Integra Correction Fluid to fix their mistakes on paper, but come on....
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Friday, March 6, 2009
Yeah you know the song...
Anyways, it's been a while. I don't have an excuse for most of that time, but the past, oh about 2 weeks or so, I've been on vacation. My boyfriend took my down to Oklahoma to meet some more of his family. I was extremely nervous, but I ended up having a lot of fun! His grandparents (who we stayed with) were the sweetest people and treated me like I was apart of the family. They took us to see some buffalo, Indians and Mount Scott, which was beautiful. The sunsets there are incredible. That place is growing on me. Who knows, we may be moving down there one day!
We also went to the Oklahoma City Memorial. It was so sad. They had pieces of the building in there, and shoes and toys from the day care where all those kids were killed. It was nice they did that for all those people killed, but still just awful.
My allergies and what not never acted up down there, and my nose never bothered me. Driving home from Columbus I started to get a headache, so I knew we were back in Ohio. There's just something about this place...
Being away from work was wonderful too. This place drives me crazy. I was looking on career builder for jobs in Oklahoma City...dang. There are a lot that I could qualify for. Making Oklahoma so that much better!
The planes were okay too. We had some turbulance flying from Oklahoma City to Memphis. It was so windy. Plus I had chugged a mountain dew so I wasn't feeling too great anyways. Add some jerking around at 30,000 feet in the air doesn't help. But all in all it was a great vacation.
I had to bite my tougne. Being in the south I was in "Obama the anti-christ" country. I did see about 2 or 3 Obama bumper stickers. Which surprised me. I figured I was the only Democrat in Oklahoma at the time.
Back to work today sucked. Though I was well rested. We planned this perfect. Work for a day, go on vacation for 10 days, work one day, then have a weekend. Haha I bet our boss hates us. Oh well we hate him too.
I'm supposed to go wedding dress shopping with my sister in the morning. Though she hurt her back this week I think she should stay home and relax...but that's just me.
I do need to get back to work. Atleast make it look like I'm working. I will put some pics from the trip up sometime this weekend. I just wanted to let everyone know that I was still alive!
Anyways, it's been a while. I don't have an excuse for most of that time, but the past, oh about 2 weeks or so, I've been on vacation. My boyfriend took my down to Oklahoma to meet some more of his family. I was extremely nervous, but I ended up having a lot of fun! His grandparents (who we stayed with) were the sweetest people and treated me like I was apart of the family. They took us to see some buffalo, Indians and Mount Scott, which was beautiful. The sunsets there are incredible. That place is growing on me. Who knows, we may be moving down there one day!
We also went to the Oklahoma City Memorial. It was so sad. They had pieces of the building in there, and shoes and toys from the day care where all those kids were killed. It was nice they did that for all those people killed, but still just awful.
My allergies and what not never acted up down there, and my nose never bothered me. Driving home from Columbus I started to get a headache, so I knew we were back in Ohio. There's just something about this place...
Being away from work was wonderful too. This place drives me crazy. I was looking on career builder for jobs in Oklahoma City...dang. There are a lot that I could qualify for. Making Oklahoma so that much better!
The planes were okay too. We had some turbulance flying from Oklahoma City to Memphis. It was so windy. Plus I had chugged a mountain dew so I wasn't feeling too great anyways. Add some jerking around at 30,000 feet in the air doesn't help. But all in all it was a great vacation.
I had to bite my tougne. Being in the south I was in "Obama the anti-christ" country. I did see about 2 or 3 Obama bumper stickers. Which surprised me. I figured I was the only Democrat in Oklahoma at the time.
Back to work today sucked. Though I was well rested. We planned this perfect. Work for a day, go on vacation for 10 days, work one day, then have a weekend. Haha I bet our boss hates us. Oh well we hate him too.
I'm supposed to go wedding dress shopping with my sister in the morning. Though she hurt her back this week I think she should stay home and relax...but that's just me.
I do need to get back to work. Atleast make it look like I'm working. I will put some pics from the trip up sometime this weekend. I just wanted to let everyone know that I was still alive!
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Well, considering I haven't had anything exciting to post about in a while, I thought a nice iPod game would come in handy! Thanks to Mandar and Jai, here's a fun little game about the songs on your iPod/Itunes/whatever. Basically you put your music on shuffle and hit next for every question. You have to write the song title that comes up! No cheating! Here goes!
"Crazy People" by the Wreckers
Haha..that's a good one
"It's Beginning to Get to Me" by Snow Patrol
Indeed it is...
"Auf Kurs" (On Course)" by Oomph!
Don't really get that one...
"Te Quiero Puta!" by Rammstein
hahahahaha that's fantastic
"Wasteland" by 10 Years
"Gangsta Lovin'" by Alicia Keys
haha oh yes it is!
"Me Inside You" by Oomph!
"I Will Follow you into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie
That's kinda sweet
"Don't Bother" by Shakira
10. WHAT IS 2 + 2? "
"Bastard" by Oomph!
And all this time I thought it as 4...
"The Face of God" by HIM
Haha yes she is
"No Good" by Kate Voegele
"Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation
haha yesss
"The Invisible Man" by Queen
I thought it was when I saw him..
"Treat me Right" by Pat Banatar
"Cochise" by Audioslave
"Life in Rain" by Remy Zero
"The Mixed Tape" by Jacks Mannequin
They are scary..
"True Love" by Madina Lake
"SlutGarden" by Mariyln Manson
Oh god...
"Grace" by Kate Havnevik
I'm grace!!
"Don't Stop me Now" by Queen
Well not really...
That was fun! Now you go do it!!
"Crazy People" by the Wreckers
Haha..that's a good one
"It's Beginning to Get to Me" by Snow Patrol
Indeed it is...
"Auf Kurs" (On Course)" by Oomph!
Don't really get that one...
"Te Quiero Puta!" by Rammstein
hahahahaha that's fantastic
"Wasteland" by 10 Years
"Gangsta Lovin'" by Alicia Keys
haha oh yes it is!
"Me Inside You" by Oomph!
"I Will Follow you into the Dark" by Death Cab for Cutie
That's kinda sweet
"Don't Bother" by Shakira
10. WHAT IS 2 + 2? "
"Bastard" by Oomph!
And all this time I thought it as 4...
"The Face of God" by HIM
Haha yes she is
"No Good" by Kate Voegele
"Eyes on Fire" by Blue Foundation
haha yesss
"The Invisible Man" by Queen
I thought it was when I saw him..
"Treat me Right" by Pat Banatar
"Cochise" by Audioslave
"Life in Rain" by Remy Zero
"The Mixed Tape" by Jacks Mannequin
They are scary..
"True Love" by Madina Lake
"SlutGarden" by Mariyln Manson
Oh god...
"Grace" by Kate Havnevik
I'm grace!!
"Don't Stop me Now" by Queen
Well not really...
That was fun! Now you go do it!!
Thursday, January 15, 2009
I'm so against everything today...
Ah where to start...
I'm at work. And about to blow somebody's head off. Apparently..I have to be reminded by SOMEONE everyday that I'm a fucking idiot. Excuse me for not knowing every damn part number in the building..I've only been here 3 years. You've been here like your whole life and you don't know them. How's about you get the fucking doobie out of you mouth and maybe you could remember something!
Well my rant is temporarily over. I must finish up my work for today, so I can leave and brave the cold....ugh -35 degree windchill is damn cold!
I'm at work. And about to blow somebody's head off. Apparently..I have to be reminded by SOMEONE everyday that I'm a fucking idiot. Excuse me for not knowing every damn part number in the building..I've only been here 3 years. You've been here like your whole life and you don't know them. How's about you get the fucking doobie out of you mouth and maybe you could remember something!
Well my rant is temporarily over. I must finish up my work for today, so I can leave and brave the cold....ugh -35 degree windchill is damn cold!
Monday, January 5, 2009
Day 1...
So today starts the new Megan. I colored my hair this weekend, back to the way I like it. I'm joining the Y today. I'm a vegetarian again. I'm no longer drinking pop. You don't even recognize me now!
Well I should be working right now, but that's over-rated. I really don't have much to do today, so the later I get that nothing started, the shorter time I'll have to endure it.
So I was talking to Jai last weekend about college and what not. And I've found what he's majoring in (Paralegal Studies) very interesting. I might (when I go back to school) try a class in that, see what I think. It says on their website it will be in high demand, ya know with idiots sueing because they didn't realize their new kitchen knife was sharp. We'll see I guess.
This weekend was fun. Friday Pookie and I went out with some friends to this new Italian place. Cheap, delicious and leftovers and the 3 words I would use to describe it. It was about $50 for the 4 of us to eat. This some bread knot things, salad, drinks and the food. was just awesome. Tasted authentic. It took forver, so it must all be homemade. And leftovers..I ate lunch Saturday AND Sunday of my leftovers and STILL have some in the fridge. Crazy...
Saturday we went over to some friends of ours house, exchanged christmas gifts, had a few drinks and played Euchre. Then watch Season 1, Disc 1 of Jackass. God I loved that show...
Sunday morning we headed home, stopped to see his Mom, then got home. He had basketball and I finally finished Season 2 of the Tudors while I put clothes away and straightened up the room. Even though it was like 473 years ago, I'm still depressed about how Anne died. That was just awful. And all those men, who never touched her! The poor gay sad. And the only fucker who ever her, didn't even die! Ugh!!!
So now I suppose I will go and do my nothing for today while listening to the Twilight Soundtrack (great music, check it out!).
I will leave you with the quote of the post:
--In light of only 15 days til our awesome new President takes office, here is a quote by President Elect Barack Hussein Obama
"I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war."
Well I should be working right now, but that's over-rated. I really don't have much to do today, so the later I get that nothing started, the shorter time I'll have to endure it.
So I was talking to Jai last weekend about college and what not. And I've found what he's majoring in (Paralegal Studies) very interesting. I might (when I go back to school) try a class in that, see what I think. It says on their website it will be in high demand, ya know with idiots sueing because they didn't realize their new kitchen knife was sharp. We'll see I guess.
This weekend was fun. Friday Pookie and I went out with some friends to this new Italian place. Cheap, delicious and leftovers and the 3 words I would use to describe it. It was about $50 for the 4 of us to eat. This some bread knot things, salad, drinks and the food. was just awesome. Tasted authentic. It took forver, so it must all be homemade. And leftovers..I ate lunch Saturday AND Sunday of my leftovers and STILL have some in the fridge. Crazy...
Saturday we went over to some friends of ours house, exchanged christmas gifts, had a few drinks and played Euchre. Then watch Season 1, Disc 1 of Jackass. God I loved that show...
Sunday morning we headed home, stopped to see his Mom, then got home. He had basketball and I finally finished Season 2 of the Tudors while I put clothes away and straightened up the room. Even though it was like 473 years ago, I'm still depressed about how Anne died. That was just awful. And all those men, who never touched her! The poor gay sad. And the only fucker who ever her, didn't even die! Ugh!!!
So now I suppose I will go and do my nothing for today while listening to the Twilight Soundtrack (great music, check it out!).
I will leave you with the quote of the post:
--In light of only 15 days til our awesome new President takes office, here is a quote by President Elect Barack Hussein Obama
"I don't oppose all wars. What I am opposed to is a dumb war. What I am opposed to is a rash war."
Friday, January 2, 2009
New Years Resolution..
Well Happy Freakin New Year...
I can't believe it's 2009. And since I've started this blog, I haven't really kept up with it. Which goes along with my new years resolution..
I have decided to make 2 this year. And they're fairly easy, so maybe I can actually stick with it this year. I've decided to:
1. Blog more. I've been really slacking lately. I have things I COULD blog about..but it's not really important.
2. Be more positive. I don't really consider myself a negative person...more a realistic person. As emo as it may sound..I would rather not get my hopes up for something and be let down. I hate that. So I am going to try and be a little more positive this year.
So now, continuing with my blog..
Christmas was awesome. I got my DS I've been wanting. And some other awesome stuff. Had a nice relaxing day with the family. Then that Sunday I went out with Jai and Mandar to do our Christmas thing. Went to Mongolian and saw Twilight. 2 of my favorite things..
Yesterday was New Years. wow 2009. Can't believe it. It will take months for me to remember to write 2009 now.
I've also decided..I just remembered..on all my blog posts..I'm going to add a nice little quote. I've always been a fan of quotes. So I will add one on every post. I can't really call it a quote of the day...cuz face it, I never blog everyday! So here is this posts' quote...
"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind." -The Buddha-
I can't believe it's 2009. And since I've started this blog, I haven't really kept up with it. Which goes along with my new years resolution..
I have decided to make 2 this year. And they're fairly easy, so maybe I can actually stick with it this year. I've decided to:
1. Blog more. I've been really slacking lately. I have things I COULD blog about..but it's not really important.
2. Be more positive. I don't really consider myself a negative person...more a realistic person. As emo as it may sound..I would rather not get my hopes up for something and be let down. I hate that. So I am going to try and be a little more positive this year.
So now, continuing with my blog..
Christmas was awesome. I got my DS I've been wanting. And some other awesome stuff. Had a nice relaxing day with the family. Then that Sunday I went out with Jai and Mandar to do our Christmas thing. Went to Mongolian and saw Twilight. 2 of my favorite things..
Yesterday was New Years. wow 2009. Can't believe it. It will take months for me to remember to write 2009 now.
I've also decided..I just remembered..on all my blog posts..I'm going to add a nice little quote. I've always been a fan of quotes. So I will add one on every post. I can't really call it a quote of the day...cuz face it, I never blog everyday! So here is this posts' quote...
"What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life tomorrow: Our life is the creation of our mind." -The Buddha-
Sunday, December 21, 2008
The stress is lifting..
Ah it's been a while. I've been rather stressed lately. I have been so broke I haven't been able to get things ready for Christmas. Well thankfully we got bonuses at work last week, so last night we went out shopping and got EVERYTHING done and wrapped! All I'm waiting on now are a few things to come in the mail this week.
I'm pretty pissed though. I bought something for a special someone on Amazon..paid extra for priority shipment..only to get on there today and see a message saying they can't guarantee it now. WTF? Why would you offer faster shipping for the holidays (sometimes at ridiculous prices) only to say AFTER you order that they can't guarantee it being there in time? Stupid assholes. I'll be glad when Christmas is over.
This year I'm just not really into the Christmas spirit. I've been so stressed out about money and gifts and my nose isn't up to par lately...I just want it to be over. I'm excited cuz I know a few things I'm getting (Nintendo DS!!! IN RED! =) ) and I love buying gifts for people. But this year has just sucked. This used to be my favorite time of the year. But it felt like Christmas just snuck up on me this year. I don't like that...
So yes, my nose. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for a check-up on my nose. I had a bad sinus infection after surgery (which I swear is still there) and he wanted to see if my nose was healed and what not. Well he looked in there, said it was looking better. He cleared out some nasty stuff and and said my nose was healed since surgery. Yay! He the also said that one of the risks of the surgery was to get a hole in my septum...not yay. He said about 1-3 percent of people experience this. Guess who is now included in that 1-3 percent. ME! FUCK! He said to come back and see him in February and if he doesn't like how it looks I will have to have surgery again. Goody. He also said if it starts to bleed and hurt, to come see him earlier. Which it has the last few days. It's not fun. So after the holidays I will have to call and go see him again. I really don't want surgery again. That was so not fun. But if it will help everything, I'll do it.
So the last few fays, Mandar and I have been discussing the Bible and religion and what not. It's been interesting and I've decided I want to know more about it. I've never been religious, never cared about it really. My parents raised me without religion because they didn't want to force it on me. They wanted it to be my choice. I don't consider myself an Atheist. I believe there may be a God out there, a very unfair one. But I've always found it easier to believe we evolved then created by one man. I don't have a problem with what people believe, just how they act on it. I hate when they push their views on me. I hate how hypocritical most of them are. I hate how a lot of them have never even read the bible. But my boyfriend and his family and religious, so he gave me one of his Bibles to read. I started to read it this weekend. I'm not very far yet. But it's already interesting. We'll see.
Well 4 days tils Christmas. 3 days of work this week. Let's hope it goes fast!!
I'm pretty pissed though. I bought something for a special someone on Amazon..paid extra for priority shipment..only to get on there today and see a message saying they can't guarantee it now. WTF? Why would you offer faster shipping for the holidays (sometimes at ridiculous prices) only to say AFTER you order that they can't guarantee it being there in time? Stupid assholes. I'll be glad when Christmas is over.
This year I'm just not really into the Christmas spirit. I've been so stressed out about money and gifts and my nose isn't up to par lately...I just want it to be over. I'm excited cuz I know a few things I'm getting (Nintendo DS!!! IN RED! =) ) and I love buying gifts for people. But this year has just sucked. This used to be my favorite time of the year. But it felt like Christmas just snuck up on me this year. I don't like that...
So yes, my nose. I went to the doctor a few weeks ago for a check-up on my nose. I had a bad sinus infection after surgery (which I swear is still there) and he wanted to see if my nose was healed and what not. Well he looked in there, said it was looking better. He cleared out some nasty stuff and and said my nose was healed since surgery. Yay! He the also said that one of the risks of the surgery was to get a hole in my septum...not yay. He said about 1-3 percent of people experience this. Guess who is now included in that 1-3 percent. ME! FUCK! He said to come back and see him in February and if he doesn't like how it looks I will have to have surgery again. Goody. He also said if it starts to bleed and hurt, to come see him earlier. Which it has the last few days. It's not fun. So after the holidays I will have to call and go see him again. I really don't want surgery again. That was so not fun. But if it will help everything, I'll do it.
So the last few fays, Mandar and I have been discussing the Bible and religion and what not. It's been interesting and I've decided I want to know more about it. I've never been religious, never cared about it really. My parents raised me without religion because they didn't want to force it on me. They wanted it to be my choice. I don't consider myself an Atheist. I believe there may be a God out there, a very unfair one. But I've always found it easier to believe we evolved then created by one man. I don't have a problem with what people believe, just how they act on it. I hate when they push their views on me. I hate how hypocritical most of them are. I hate how a lot of them have never even read the bible. But my boyfriend and his family and religious, so he gave me one of his Bibles to read. I started to read it this weekend. I'm not very far yet. But it's already interesting. We'll see.
Well 4 days tils Christmas. 3 days of work this week. Let's hope it goes fast!!
Sunday, November 30, 2008
I love off-brand cereal...
Whoever thought to create cheap cereal is a genius. I just had some off-brand "cocoa pebbles", or "cocoa dynobites" in this case. And they tasted more chocolatley than the expensive stuff. PLUS! you get more!
Enough about my cereal preferences...My weekend is almost over...=(. We had a nice 4 day weekend. I hate SUndays. I start to get into work mode...which is not pleasant. It was a good weekend tho. Had some good food. DIdnt have to work. What else could you ask for?
I still have a ton of shopping to do for christmas. I sure hope we get bonuses soon...if at all. People will sure be pissed if our "manager" doesnt pull through. He hasnt done anything all year..the least he could do is take care of his employees...
I cant wait til christmas though. Its so stressful but i just love this time of the year. Plus i know what im getting and im pumped!
Well I suppose I'll wrap this up...if you know what I mean...
Enough about my cereal preferences...My weekend is almost over...=(. We had a nice 4 day weekend. I hate SUndays. I start to get into work mode...which is not pleasant. It was a good weekend tho. Had some good food. DIdnt have to work. What else could you ask for?
I still have a ton of shopping to do for christmas. I sure hope we get bonuses soon...if at all. People will sure be pissed if our "manager" doesnt pull through. He hasnt done anything all year..the least he could do is take care of his employees...
I cant wait til christmas though. Its so stressful but i just love this time of the year. Plus i know what im getting and im pumped!
Well I suppose I'll wrap this up...if you know what I mean...
Friday, November 28, 2008
This is so awesome...
So i just got the internet and stuff on my cell phone...and im blogging right now via cellular device. Oh yes. it is awesome. SO now maybe I can actually blog more often...haha. My boyfriend got a new phone today..since his was a piece. He got a blackberry Pearl. Not sure why he even needs a blackberry..but its pretty sweet looking. SO blogging and hes checking his myspace. its crazy the things cellphones can do these days..i remember my first one. It was when cameras just came out on cell phones and i thought i was the shit..haha
Well i dont have much to say. Just wanted to see if I could actually do this on my phone. SO until next time...farewell!
Well i dont have much to say. Just wanted to see if I could actually do this on my phone. SO until next time...farewell!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
What a douche...
Wednesday, November 5, 2008
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Working and getting pissed
Wow. So I guess it's been a while...
Lets see. I guess the last time I wrote it was few days after surgery. I got my splints removed...wasn't so bad! It was nice to be able to breathe when she pulled them out. So any pain there was didn't last long, then relief!
I did get a whole week off from work. Since my job requires a lot of lifting and what not. It was nice. I'm glad I didn't have to go back sooner. I was so sick that whole week.
So it is Saturday. I just finished my first whole week back to work. It sucked like everyday at that place.
Monday was slow. I'm on restrictions for a couple weeks and my "supervisor" can't remember that. Guess he's too busy trying to remember to wash his hands every 10 minutes.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were about the same. I helped Mandar a lot since no one else will. What else is new there though.
Then there was yesterday. And I swear, everyone just woke up in the morning and said..."I'm gonna do everything to piss Pandora off as much as possible today." And let me tell you, they did a fantastic job.
It wasn't big things that pissed me off, but it's just retarded shit. People have no patience. At all. And the only time my supervisor decides to act like one is to tell me I have to clean the breakroom. Whatever.
And now we're to today. It's trick or treat night in my awesome town. My neice is coming out so I can take her. My boyfriend is also dressing up. He got a penguin costume last night. That will be fun.
I know it's not much, but nothing has really happened. I worked all week and got pissed about politics. What else is new?
Lets see. I guess the last time I wrote it was few days after surgery. I got my splints removed...wasn't so bad! It was nice to be able to breathe when she pulled them out. So any pain there was didn't last long, then relief!
I did get a whole week off from work. Since my job requires a lot of lifting and what not. It was nice. I'm glad I didn't have to go back sooner. I was so sick that whole week.
So it is Saturday. I just finished my first whole week back to work. It sucked like everyday at that place.
Monday was slow. I'm on restrictions for a couple weeks and my "supervisor" can't remember that. Guess he's too busy trying to remember to wash his hands every 10 minutes.
Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday were about the same. I helped Mandar a lot since no one else will. What else is new there though.
Then there was yesterday. And I swear, everyone just woke up in the morning and said..."I'm gonna do everything to piss Pandora off as much as possible today." And let me tell you, they did a fantastic job.
It wasn't big things that pissed me off, but it's just retarded shit. People have no patience. At all. And the only time my supervisor decides to act like one is to tell me I have to clean the breakroom. Whatever.
And now we're to today. It's trick or treat night in my awesome town. My neice is coming out so I can take her. My boyfriend is also dressing up. He got a penguin costume last night. That will be fun.
I know it's not much, but nothing has really happened. I worked all week and got pissed about politics. What else is new?
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Jumbo tampons
Hello my friends. It's been a few days now since i last blogged. I have a legitimate excuse this time though. I had my nasal surgery on thursday and I haven't really felt like doing much the last few days.
I received a text earlier from Jai saying him and Mandar had blogged about their CHO experience from last night so I had to get on and read them, and I thought I guess Ishould blog as well.
I don't have much to talk about except my surgery..
So I found out earlier this week that my surgery was at 7:30 in the monrnig, but I had to be there an hour earlier. It wasn't such a big deal since i couldn't wear contacts or anything so i just rolled out of bed and left.
My dad had the day off already so he was kind enough to take me. We arrived at the hospital and I was taken straight back to get me prepped for surgery. I had to pee in a cup (which is quite difficult) and then had my IV put in. THe nurse i had was so amazing I barely felt the needle.
They then brought my dad back to be with me before they took me to surgery. As soon as my pregnancy test came back negative, they gave me something in my IV to help me relax. That kicked in so fast! It was wonderful. I laid there a bit longer then was wheeled back to surgery.
I first arrived in a room where they put little sticker thing on me for surgery and the anathesialoist( not sure how to spell that) explained everything to me. I think he was gay, but he was very nice and explained everything very well. This one nurse was a bitch, but I'm over it.
My doctor then came in, said hi, then left. I never saw him again. As far as I know he had nothing to do with the surgery seeing as how i never saw him again haha.
I was then wheeled into the OR. It was so cold in there! The last thing I remember was them putting a warm blanket on me. Then they must have put the stuff in my IV cuz after that, all I remember is waking up when it was all over.
When I woke up, I freaked out for a minute. I had a mask on my face helping me breathe. I panicked and they removed it. Then I remember a nurse commenting on how pale I looked. Then not even 2 seconds later and leaned over the side of my bed and threw up in some towels a nurse was holding. They said it was from the blood in my stomach.. Not very pleasant..
I then was taken into recovery. They checked my blood preasure like a million times. They then brought my dad back to be with me. They let me sleep then gave me some ice chips. Delicious. My mouth was so dry. They then...had to remove the packing in my nose. The part I had been dreading. OMG it hurt so bad. It was like having 2 jumbo tampons in my nose. And they just RIPPED them out.
After that I was ok. Really sleepy. They gave me some good drugs and stuff. I havne't been in any pain or anything. All I have felt like doing is sleeping. I woke up at 4 this morning feeling like I was going to throw up. I didn't thankfully. But I kinda wish I would have, maybe would have helped my nausea.
Well that is pretty much it for now. I'm still bleeding a bit and have to wear this crazy gauze mustache to catch it. i go to the doctor tomorrow morning to get the splints removed. Not looking forward to that either. I will update after that!
I received a text earlier from Jai saying him and Mandar had blogged about their CHO experience from last night so I had to get on and read them, and I thought I guess Ishould blog as well.
I don't have much to talk about except my surgery..
So I found out earlier this week that my surgery was at 7:30 in the monrnig, but I had to be there an hour earlier. It wasn't such a big deal since i couldn't wear contacts or anything so i just rolled out of bed and left.
My dad had the day off already so he was kind enough to take me. We arrived at the hospital and I was taken straight back to get me prepped for surgery. I had to pee in a cup (which is quite difficult) and then had my IV put in. THe nurse i had was so amazing I barely felt the needle.
They then brought my dad back to be with me before they took me to surgery. As soon as my pregnancy test came back negative, they gave me something in my IV to help me relax. That kicked in so fast! It was wonderful. I laid there a bit longer then was wheeled back to surgery.
I first arrived in a room where they put little sticker thing on me for surgery and the anathesialoist( not sure how to spell that) explained everything to me. I think he was gay, but he was very nice and explained everything very well. This one nurse was a bitch, but I'm over it.
My doctor then came in, said hi, then left. I never saw him again. As far as I know he had nothing to do with the surgery seeing as how i never saw him again haha.
I was then wheeled into the OR. It was so cold in there! The last thing I remember was them putting a warm blanket on me. Then they must have put the stuff in my IV cuz after that, all I remember is waking up when it was all over.
When I woke up, I freaked out for a minute. I had a mask on my face helping me breathe. I panicked and they removed it. Then I remember a nurse commenting on how pale I looked. Then not even 2 seconds later and leaned over the side of my bed and threw up in some towels a nurse was holding. They said it was from the blood in my stomach.. Not very pleasant..
I then was taken into recovery. They checked my blood preasure like a million times. They then brought my dad back to be with me. They let me sleep then gave me some ice chips. Delicious. My mouth was so dry. They then...had to remove the packing in my nose. The part I had been dreading. OMG it hurt so bad. It was like having 2 jumbo tampons in my nose. And they just RIPPED them out.
After that I was ok. Really sleepy. They gave me some good drugs and stuff. I havne't been in any pain or anything. All I have felt like doing is sleeping. I woke up at 4 this morning feeling like I was going to throw up. I didn't thankfully. But I kinda wish I would have, maybe would have helped my nausea.
Well that is pretty much it for now. I'm still bleeding a bit and have to wear this crazy gauze mustache to catch it. i go to the doctor tomorrow morning to get the splints removed. Not looking forward to that either. I will update after that!
Monday, October 6, 2008
I'm a Maverick!
Well I must not be a Maverick..seeing as how it's been over a week since my last blog...
I have been so exhausted lately. We had inventory at work. They honestly believed it would only take 2 days to count EVERYTHING in the building. Well it did. But myself, and my mother and "management" had to stay til 8 on Tuesday. Needless to say it was ridiculous. My mom went OFF on Tuesday. EVerything had to be entered into the computer and everthing. So we had to stay. It was just so retarded. THey had 2 people counting the stock room, while the shop whore/retard followed Douchebag around with tags. That's productive.
And still, inventory is not over. He has to walk around and find out why counts are off! Well let's see. Considering the fact that most people didn't actually count the things. But guess. And plus, no one knows how to change counts in computers when they are messed up. So that my dear friends, equals mis-counts!
This weekend was enjoyable. Friday we all stayed home and played cards. That was so much fun. It's nice to just stay home like that.
Saturday I didn't do much. Until my sisters boyfriend text me and asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house with them. Well of course I was in! I've never really been to a real one. So we ended up going to the old prison. And of course, Pookie wasn't I was totally freaked out and no to hold onto except my sisters boyfriend. OMG it was crazy. This big sasquatch thing came walking towards me. And wouldn't get out of the way..omg. Then like screamed in my ear. I about peed myself. But I am happy to report that I made it out alive.
Sunday was fun. We went out for breakfast with family when some people freaked out about nothing. Then we got an awesome new couch. Gosh it's so comfy. Then Pookie and I went bowling with my sister and her boyfriend. I suck so bad at bowling. Then Pookie and I went to the movies. Gosh I love movie theater popcorn...
Work has sucked all week. Nothing all that exciting to report. It is not Wednesday which means my surgery is in the 7:30. Not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to how much better I will feel when it's all over and done with.
Well I believe that is all for now. I must get some rest for my surgery. Wish me luck!
I have been so exhausted lately. We had inventory at work. They honestly believed it would only take 2 days to count EVERYTHING in the building. Well it did. But myself, and my mother and "management" had to stay til 8 on Tuesday. Needless to say it was ridiculous. My mom went OFF on Tuesday. EVerything had to be entered into the computer and everthing. So we had to stay. It was just so retarded. THey had 2 people counting the stock room, while the shop whore/retard followed Douchebag around with tags. That's productive.
And still, inventory is not over. He has to walk around and find out why counts are off! Well let's see. Considering the fact that most people didn't actually count the things. But guess. And plus, no one knows how to change counts in computers when they are messed up. So that my dear friends, equals mis-counts!
This weekend was enjoyable. Friday we all stayed home and played cards. That was so much fun. It's nice to just stay home like that.
Saturday I didn't do much. Until my sisters boyfriend text me and asked if I wanted to go to a haunted house with them. Well of course I was in! I've never really been to a real one. So we ended up going to the old prison. And of course, Pookie wasn't I was totally freaked out and no to hold onto except my sisters boyfriend. OMG it was crazy. This big sasquatch thing came walking towards me. And wouldn't get out of the way..omg. Then like screamed in my ear. I about peed myself. But I am happy to report that I made it out alive.
Sunday was fun. We went out for breakfast with family when some people freaked out about nothing. Then we got an awesome new couch. Gosh it's so comfy. Then Pookie and I went bowling with my sister and her boyfriend. I suck so bad at bowling. Then Pookie and I went to the movies. Gosh I love movie theater popcorn...
Work has sucked all week. Nothing all that exciting to report. It is not Wednesday which means my surgery is in the 7:30. Not looking forward to that. But I am looking forward to how much better I will feel when it's all over and done with.
Well I believe that is all for now. I must get some rest for my surgery. Wish me luck!
Saturday, September 27, 2008
New Rule...
Good Saturday morning all. It felt so good to get to sleep in for once. Jai and Mandar came over last night to watch the debate, and Mandar and myself both fell asleep. Haha oh well. Te debate was pretty good. Kinda boring. But Obama was awesome like usual. McCain was so annoying. "I went there once...". No one cares about your old man stories. Shut up already!
So work yesterday was crappy. Like always. We started inventory which sucked. It's a full inventory this year so EVERYTHING must be counted. Including all the dust on everything. Which I'm allergic to. Oh gosh it was so bad. It felt like my throat was gonna close up. So I helped Mandar count some crap in his area since no one else was. Before that I was "prepping" the stock room for inventory. UGh I got so pissed off. The stupid manatee in the office came out and was bitching about how the stock room still was not ready for inventory. Well ya know, if someone would have told me what the hell I was supposed to be doing to get it ready, that would have helped. But no, I was supposed to read their minds and figure it out for myself. Stupid idiots...
So now I'm at home, relaxing and enjoying my weeked. I have my pre-op appointment this week. Goody. It's at 7 in the morning. Ugh so I have to get up super early for that. Then go to work. That won't be much fun. But I'll be glad when it's all over and I can go back to breathing better.
Jai made me some discs to put on my iPod. The Tudors season 1 and Little Britain seasons 1, 2 and 3. PLUS a couple episodes of Bill Maher. He's so funny. I love the new rules thing. There was this one some guy said.."New Rule: If Bush can go back home, so should the troops." That was just awesome. Totally agree.
Ok well I think I may go play my donkey kong game. Or just watch some tv. I know I have a Grey's Anatomy taped. So I should be able to write some more later. If not, too bad.
So work yesterday was crappy. Like always. We started inventory which sucked. It's a full inventory this year so EVERYTHING must be counted. Including all the dust on everything. Which I'm allergic to. Oh gosh it was so bad. It felt like my throat was gonna close up. So I helped Mandar count some crap in his area since no one else was. Before that I was "prepping" the stock room for inventory. UGh I got so pissed off. The stupid manatee in the office came out and was bitching about how the stock room still was not ready for inventory. Well ya know, if someone would have told me what the hell I was supposed to be doing to get it ready, that would have helped. But no, I was supposed to read their minds and figure it out for myself. Stupid idiots...
So now I'm at home, relaxing and enjoying my weeked. I have my pre-op appointment this week. Goody. It's at 7 in the morning. Ugh so I have to get up super early for that. Then go to work. That won't be much fun. But I'll be glad when it's all over and I can go back to breathing better.
Jai made me some discs to put on my iPod. The Tudors season 1 and Little Britain seasons 1, 2 and 3. PLUS a couple episodes of Bill Maher. He's so funny. I love the new rules thing. There was this one some guy said.."New Rule: If Bush can go back home, so should the troops." That was just awesome. Totally agree.
Ok well I think I may go play my donkey kong game. Or just watch some tv. I know I have a Grey's Anatomy taped. So I should be able to write some more later. If not, too bad.
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